Wallands Community Primary and Nursery School


Wallands Nursery is part of our Early Years and Foundation Stage and is for 3 to 4 year olds.

The setting is where young children can learn and play through exploration, new experiences and a creative indoor and outdoor environment full of possibilities.

We work within the framework of the Early Years Foundation Stage and cover a variety of themes including ‘All about me’, ‘Time to Celebration’, ‘A ticket to ride’, ‘Terrific tales’, ‘Come outside’ and ‘People who help us!’

We follow the children’s interests within these themes as we learn and play together.



Wallands Nursery is very much a part of the whole school community. We often have visits from children in other year groups and we work closely with the Reception classes, sharing time when Reception and Nursery children play between their learning spaces. This very much supports the transition from Nursery to Reception.

EYFS staff work in partnership with parents, getting to know every child and their next steps. We use Tapestry, an online journal, to record the learning and fun of the children's early years education. This is a key communication tool between home and school where parents feel valued as part of their child's education and development.

We take time to make sure each child is happy and secure at our Nursery and value the input and support of our parents and families.