Wallands Community Primary and Nursery School


At Wallands we believe that everyone can do Maths!  We have adopted a Mastery approach combining the White Rose and National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Maths materials, along with elements of other schemes.

We believe that teaching and learning at Wallands should:

  • have number at its heart - a large proportion of time is spent embedding number work to build fluency;
  • support and provide depth within a year group’s objectives;
  • ensure students can stay together as they work through the schemes of work;
  • provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem-solving elements into the curriculum.

I love Maths because it’s fun! There’s so much you can learn about. Orin


Calculation Policy

Wallands has a Calculations Policy that is based on the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach of Maths Mastery. We believe that all children, when introduced to a new concept, should have the opportunity to build competency by using:   

  • concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing;
  • pictorial representations to help with reasoning and problems solving;
  • concrete and pictorial methods to aid understanding of abstract calculation.


The National Curriculum for Mathematics 2014, Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals (Number, Shape Space & Measure) provide the basis of our long term planning for mathematics. 

The long term plan for mathematics is divided into units of between 2 and 5 weeks long.

Maths long term plan

The unit overview sets out the planned progression setting out the small steps using the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach. It also details:

  • Critical prior knowledge
  • Misconceptions
  • Vocabulary
  • Stem sentences and generalisations
  • Milestones to be assessed throughout the unit
  • Dive Deeper opportunities

In order to develop fluency in addition and subtraction facts and timestables, children have access to Numbots and TTrockstars. These are online educational games which give children the opportunity to practice and become fluent in key number facts.


 Calculation Policy 2024