Religious Education
At Wallands we take pride in our commitment to Equality and Diversity so RE (religious education) is taught throughout the school in such a way as to not only reflect the aims, values and philosophy of our school but also to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children. We believe that all learners should develop mutual respect and understanding of the different beliefs and cultures that are present in Lewes, East Sussex, the United Kingdom and the world. At Wallands, We use the East Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education as the basis for our curriculum.
There are three interlinking themes which form the basis of RE at Wallands:
The principal aim of RE at Wallands is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.
The children acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the following:
Key stage one – beliefs and practices of Christians, Jews and Muslims.
Key stage two – beliefs and practices of Christians, Jews and Muslims and Hindus
The RE units are based on key questions. These enable children to think, discuss and make connections in their understanding of religion.
Wallands RE curriculum
Connecting themes are woven through the scheme across the school, so children revisit themes and apply their learning in new contexts.
Beliefs, teachings and sources
- Talking about concepts and beliefs (religious and non-religious).
- Finding out about key ideas and beliefs making comparisons between religions.
- Exploring the Bible and other sacred writings from the other principal religions and how these influence the lives of believers.
- Learning about the lives and teachings or the significance of key figures in Christianity and other principal religions.
Practices and ways of life
- Finding out about the main features, pattern and meaning of key acts of worship or meditation within Christianity and other principal religions.
- Finding out about the preparations, activities and feelings involved in making a pilgrimage.
- Finding out about the main features of religious festivals within Christianity and other principle religions. Include stories underlying them, reasons why they are celebrated, the ways they are celebrated and their significance for believers.
Forms of expressing meaning
- Finding out about the meaning and purpose of the internal and external features of a place of worship in Christianity and other principal religions.
- Investigating a ceremony in Christianity and other principal religions which celebrates a landmark in life; find out about the rituals which take place and why.
- Exploring the different uses of written and spoken language used in religion.
- Exploring how meaning can be communicated in verbal and non- verbal ways such as art, music, drama, film, consider the importance of symbolism.
Identity, diversity, belonging
- Reflecting on the meaning of ‘dialogue’ and discuss the importance of dialogue between people of different faith or beliefs, as well as between individuals or groups within the same faith/belief.
- Exploring things which are important to faith communities, noting similarities and differences.
Meaning, purpose and truth
- Consider a range of creation stories including the Christian/Jewish account.
- Consider stewardship and creation.
- Identify profound questions about life and the world.
- Exploring some religious responses to them.
Values and commitments
- Exploring things which they value, explaining why they are important to them and listen to others’ experiences.
- Investigating some of the ways in which beliefs and values underpin our society.
- Investigating ways in which Christianity and other principal religions put into practice particular rules for living, reflecting on what commitment means for individuals and communities.
- Study the lives of people from Christianity and other principal religions that exemplify a religious way of life and reflect on how their beliefs affect(ed) their actions.